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2024 Avoda Round Table Live

Date: June 29th 2024

Time: 8:30am -12:30pm

We are pleased to invite you to the second quarter, 2024 Avoda Round Table Live event! This quarter we will delve into the profound impact of storytelling, emphasizing how the narrative you present can significantly shape your success, often more than the product itself. Aaron Sanders will kick off this event by sharing how “story” has built a small business that is outperforming 90% of American small businesses and simultaneously revolutionizing what church looks like. 
We are honored to feature special guest Lauren Eckhardt, owner of Burning Souls Press, who will share insights on the essential elements of a powerful story and how to tell your story to the world. We will also be hearing from Lance Welch, author of “The Legacy Navigator”, share on shedding “The 5-D’s of Mediocrity” and the “Predictable Outcomes Cycle”. 

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